
Translation is my passion, an addiction, and I knew this pretty early, when I was twelve years of age, to be exact. I was an only child with a sheltered life (too much if you ask me...). Every two months, my parents took me to their holiday home in France. This was quite boring, so I needed to find something to pass the time. I had just started learning French at school, and every time we came to France, we bought some comics in the French language. To read it? Oh no, I translated them. 😀 No man can avoid his destiny (although I didn't know it by then...) 

Today, I am constantly travelling between France and Asia. I'm the owner of a group of translation agencies in France & Asia, and in autumn 2013, my childhood dream became real. After a small test translation, I got the chance to translate my first thriller from American English to German, published in July 2014, Der Fremde Neben dir (original title: The Stranger beside you by William Casey Moreton). Two other translations followed in October 2014, Unbeabsichtigte Folgen (original title: Unintended Consequences by Marti Green)  and in November 2014 Tödliches Schattengeflüster (original title: Deadly Shadows by Jaycee Clark), April 14, 2015, Gefährlicher Countdown (original title: Shady Cross by James Hankins). Published onOctober 13, 2015 Der Löwe, das Lamm, der Gejagte (original title: The Lion, the Lamb, the Hunted of Andrew E. Kaufman).  Published on June 7, 2016: Unter Schuldverdacht (original title: Presumption of Guilt - Marti Green

It was published on October 11, 2016, a terrific psychological thriller from Andrew E. Kaufman: Verzerrte Welt (original title: Twisted). After one day, already the number 1 Bestseller on the Amazon website (Kindle edition). This book serves a discerning readership; it's not just a simple reading material but a must-read for all those who are not looking for just another book.

Then I had the chance to translate books for Colleen Cross: Greenwash, Spieltheorie, Liebeshexerei am Valentinstag, Die Weihnachtsliste der Hexen, Hexenstunde mit Todesfolge 

And the best came in 2021: MELISSA F. MILLER ! 

The ultimate USA-Today Bestseller author of legal thrillers:

Check out her books at Amazon. 

The Shenandowah Shadows Serie 1, 2, 3 (Novels)

Sasha McCandless Justizthriller Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7 (8+9 to be published)


My working languages: English (UK) to German, English (US) to German, French (France) to German.

Preferred Categories: Mystery & Thrillers

By the way - serious translation offers from publishers are welcome.